Annual Federal Report Card

The U.S. Department of Education requires each state to publish an annual report card with specific district- and campus-level data.


Every district that receives Title I, Part A funding is responsible for distributing the state-, district- and campus-level report cards to each of its campuses, the parents of all enrolled students, and the general public.


Prior to 2013, the NCLB Report Card was published annually from 2009–2012.


For more information about the Federal Report Card and districts' responsibilities related to it, please visit the NCLB and ESEA web page.


  •  Information Included in the 2020-21 Federal Report Card for Texas Public Schools 

    Part (i): General Description of the Texas State Accountability System 

    (I) the minimum number of students that the State determines are necessary to be included in each of the subgroups of students for use in the accountability system; 

    (II) the long-term goals and measurements of interim progress for all students and for each of the subgroups of students; 

    (III) the indicators used to meaningfully differentiate all public schools in the State; 

    (IV) the State’s system for meaningfully differentiating all public schools in the State, including— 

    (aa) the specific weight of the indicators in such differentiation; 

    (bb) the methodology by which the State differentiates all such schools; 

    (cc) the methodology by which the State differentiates a school as consistently underperforming for any subgroup of students; and 

    (dd) the methodology by which the State identifies a school for comprehensive support and improvement; 

    (V) the number and names of all public schools in the State identified by the State for comprehensive support and improvement or implementing targeted support and improvement plans; 

    (VI) the exit criteria established by the State, including the length of years established. On April 6, 2021, the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) waived the accountability, school identification, and related reporting requirements for the 2020-21 school year. The waiver includes the report card provisions in section 1111(h)(1)(C)(i)(I)-(IV) and (VI) (Accountability system description, other than the list of comprehensive, targeted, and additional targeted support and improvement schools). 

    Campuses Identified for Support under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) for the 2021-22 school year: 

    Part (ii): Student Achievement by Proficiency Level 

    This section provides information on student achievement on the STAAR (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness) performance for mathematics, reading/ELA, and science by grade level and proficiency level for the 2020–21 school year. These results include all students tested, regardless of whether they were in the accountability subset. 

    Part (iii)(I): Academic Growth 

    This section provides information on students’ academic growth for mathematics and reading/ELA for public elementary schools and secondary schools without a graduation rate, for the 2020-21 school year. These results include all students tested, regardless of whether they were in the accountability subset. 

    USDE waived reporting requirements in Section 1111(h)(1)(C)(iii)(I) (other academic indicator results for schools that are not high schools). 


    Part (iii)(II): Graduation Rate 

    This section provides information on high school graduation rates for the class of 2020. 

    Part (iv): English Language Proficiency 

    This section provides information on the number and percentage of English learners achieving English language proficiency based on the 2021 Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) data. 

    Part (v): School Quality or Student Success (SQSS) 

    This section provides information on the other indicator of school quality or student success, which is college, career and military readiness (CCMR) for high schools and average performance rate of the three STAAR performance levels of all students, regardless of whether they were in the accountability subset, for elementary and secondary schools without a graduation rate. 

    Part (vi): Goal Meeting Status 

    This section provides information on the progress of all students and each student group toward meeting the long-term goals or interim objectives on STAAR academic performance, federal graduation rate, and English learners’ language proficiency. 

    USDE waived reporting requirements in Section 1111(h)(1)(C)(vi) (Progress toward meeting long-term goals and measurements of interim progress). 

    Part (vii): STAAR Participation 

    This section provides the percentage of students assessed and not assessed on STAAR for mathematics, reading/ELA, and science. 

    Part (viii): Civil Rights Data 

    Part (viii)(I): The section provides information from the 2017-18 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) surveys, submitted by school districts to the Office for Civil Rights, on measures of school quality, climate, and safety, including counts of in-school suspensions, out-of-school suspensions, expulsions, school related arrests, referrals to law enforcement, chronic absenteeism (including both excused and unexcused absences), incidences of violence, including bullying and harassment. 

    Part (viii)(II): This section provides information from the 2017-18 CRDC surveys, submitted by school districts to the Office for Civil Rights, on the number of students enrolled in preschool programs and accelerated coursework to earn postsecondary credit while still in high school. 


    Part (ix): Teacher Quality Data 

    This section provides information on the professional qualifications of teachers, including information disaggregated by high- and low-poverty schools on the number and percentage of (I) inexperienced teacher, principals, and other school leaders; (II) teachers teaching with emergency or provisional credentials; and (III) teachers who are not teaching in the subject or field for which the teacher is certified or licensed. 

    Part (x): Per-pupil Expenditure 

    This section provides information on the per-pupil expenditures of federal, state, and local funds, including actual personnel expenditures and actual non-personnel expenditures, disaggregated by source of funds, for each school district and campus for the preceding fiscal year. 

    To be updated by June 30th, 2022. 

    Part (xi): STAAR Alternate 2 Participation 

    This section provides information on the number and percentage of students with the most-significant cognitive disabilities who take STAAR Alternate 2, by grade and subject for the 2020-21 school year. 

    Part (xii): Statewide National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 

    This section provides results on the state academic assessments in reading and mathematics in grades 4 and 8 of the 2019 National Assessment of Educational Progress, compared to the national average of such results. 

    Part (xiii): Cohort Rate of Graduates Enrolled in Postsecondary Education 

    This section provides information on the cohort rate at which students who graduated from high school in the 2018-19 school year enrolled in the 2019-20 academic year in (I) programs of public postsecondary education in Texas; (II) programs of private postsecondary education in Texas; and (III) programs of postsecondary education outside Texas. 

    Part (xiv): Additional Information – Chronic Absenteeism 

    This section provides information on the Chronic Absenteeism per EDFacts definition: percent of unduplicated number of K-12 students enrolled in a school for at least 10 days and absent for 10% or more days during the 2019-20 school year



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