Graduation Requirements

Education Code 28.0212(b) -  Graduation Plans

Requirements for a Diploma for a Student Enrolled in High School Prior to the 2014–15 School Year

To receive a high school diploma from the district, a student who was enrolled in high school prior to the 2014–15 school year must successfully:

  • Complete the required number of credits established by the state and any additional credits required by the district
  • Complete any locally required courses in addition to the courses mandated by the state
  • Achieve passing scores on certain end-of-course (EOC) assessments or approved substitute assessments, unless specifically waived as permitted by state law.

Requirements for a Diploma Beginning with the 2014–15 School Year

Beginning with students who enter grade 9 in the 2014–15 school year, as well as any currently enrolled high school student who decides to graduate under the new foundation graduation program, a student must meet the following requirements to receive a high school diploma from the district:

  • Complete the required number of credits established by the state and any additional credits required by the district;

  • Complete any locally required courses in addition to the courses mandated by the state;

  • Achieve passing scores on certain end-of-course (EOC) assessments or approved

    substitute assessments, unless specifically waived as permitted by state law; and

  • Demonstrate proficiency, as determined by the district, in the specific communication skills required by the State Board of Education.


Testing Requirements for Graduation

Students are required, with limited exceptions and regardless of graduation program, to perform satisfactorily on the following EOC assessments: English I, English II, Algebra I, Biology, and United States History. A student who has not achieved sufficient scores on the EOC assessments to graduate will have opportunities to retake the assessments. State law and state rules also provide for certain scores on norm-referenced national standardized assessments to substitute for the requirement to meet satisfactory performance on an applicable EOC assessment should a student choose this option. See the school counselor for more information on the state testing requirements for graduation.

If a student fails to perform satisfactorily on an EOC assessment, the district will provide remediation to the student in the content area for which the performance standard was not met. This may require participation of the student before or after normal school hours or at times of the year outside normal school operations.

Minimum, Recommended, and Advanced/Distinguished Achievement Graduation Programs

For students who were enrolled in high school prior to the 2014–15 school year, the district offers the graduation programs listed in this section. Students enrolled in high school prior to the 2014–15 school year also have the option to pursue the foundation graduation program as described below. Note that permission to enroll in the Minimum Program as described in this section will be granted only if a written agreement is reached among the student, the student’s parent or person standing in parental relation, and the school counselor or appropriate administrator. In order for a student to take courses under the Minimum Program, the student must be at least 16 years of age; have completed at least two credits each in English language arts, math, science, and social studies courses that are required for graduation; or have failed grade 9 one or more times. [See policy EIF (LEGAL).]

All students who were enrolled in high school prior to the 2014–15 school year must meet the following credit and course requirements for graduation under the programs listed or may choose to pursue the foundation graduation program.



Both the English and Spanish booklet versions of the Graduation Toolkit may require a professional printer. The booklets are set up with the following specifications: 11x17 tabloid, duplex, fold, center staple, no bleeds-fit page to paper.

The booklets include:

  • Front and Back cover
  • Individual Flyer pages
  • My Notes page

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